MidNight - Fashion WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Themeforest MidNight - Fashion WooCommerce WordPress Theme WordPress Theme

Download MidNight - Fashion WooCommerce WordPress Theme WordPress Theme

Download MidNight - Fashion WooCommerce WordPress Theme WordPress Theme

MidNight is a modern eCommerce Wordpress Theme. It could be used for all types of ecommerce stores, including: Fashion, Shoes, Jewelry, Watch. It has extremely features, easy to use and fully responsive, it looks stunning on all types of screens and devices. Easy install with sample content, great documentation.

Now compatible with Peenapo Layouts

peenapo layouts page builder


  • Elegant design, can be used for any e-commerce needs.

  • Responsive Design, mobile compatible

  • The Page Builder allows you to create any layout in a minutes, including more that 60 elements.

  • Supermenu menu included in the theme

  • Flyout menu included in the theme

  • Featured products in menus

  • Social Media Login: Login with Google, Login with Facebook.

  • Product Category Archive

  • Wishlist

  • Track Order

  • User Account with navigation

  • Login Popup

  • Built-in Newsletter popup.

  • 3 stunning header layouts

  • compatible with SEO Plugins like Yoast

  • WooCommerce Compatible

  • Filtering & Sorting

  • Amazing and Light Transition Effects

  • 500+ Ready to use Google Fonts, easy to change with live preview

  • Easy theme color change with colorpicker

  • Video Background Support

  • Periodic Theme Updates

  • Contact Page with Google Map and Multiple Pin Support

  • Extensive Theme Documentation

  • Child Theme Support

  • WP Supercache Plugin Support

  • Valid HTML5 code

  • WPML compatible.

  • Ready for Translation, po mo files included

  • Multiple Blog Layouts



- fixed fonts loading over http
- woocommerce javascript error with variable products
- outdated woocommerce hook: add_to_cart_fragments replaced with woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments


- fixed woocommerce outdated templates


- fixed: newsletter popup was showing every time, and not once per 30 days.
- fixed: cart disabled update button

v1.4.4 ( 20 October 16 )

- fixed: problems displaying product listing layouts
- fixed: removed depreciated function get_currentuserinfo
- updated: tgm plugin

v1.4.3 ( 28 June 16 )

- fixed: problems displaying product listing layouts
- fixed: removed depreciated function get_currentuserinfo

v1.4.2 ( 5 April 16 )

- fixed: single variable product not working when adding to cart

v1.4.1 ( 4 April 16 )

- fixed: checkout option when payment has failed
- fixed: sort options for custom shop template pages
- fixed: variable products not appearing in cart, when cart is empty
- fixed: text animations on Firefox
- fixed: not visible images in peenapo page builder
- improved: breadcrumb on product pages


- fixed: newsletter popup was showing every time, and not once per 30 days.
- fixed: cart disabled update button

v1.4 ( 17 February 16 )

- fixed: woocommerce template compatibility
- fixed: font not visible in cart page

v1.3 ( 10 February 16 )

- improved: logo image is now bundled with the theme
- updated: woocommerce templates
- fixed: woocommerce add to cart ajax button not working
- fixed: child theme custom fonts not working
- fixed: firefox on mobile header layout issue
- fixed: cart, checkout page font not visible
- improved: quantity inputs
- improved: child theme moved from theme dir to download package

v1.2 ( 07.01.16 )

- fixed: shop page doesn't displaying products correctly.
- fixed: journal page doesn't displaying articles correctly.

v1.1 v1.0 ( 06.01.16 )

- fixed: php error with "Yith wishlist" plugin compatibility.
- fixed: page options for overwriting the heading layout not working.

v1.0 ( 31.05.15 )
Initial release.

Download MidNight - Fashion WooCommerce WordPress Theme WordPress Theme


  1. Hi Peenapo, can ask for assistance regarding our hearing accessories website (hearingaccessories.co.uk)

  2. Hi There, I just purchased and installed your Midnight theme and I’m having an issue. The page builder plugin is installed and activated, but the site is not recognizing the page builder code, there is nothing but code on all pages. There is no green button to enable Page Builder on any pages. Can you please help me?

  3. Hi

    Please change the author to Peenapo and the page builder will run again.

    Kind regards

  4. That worked! Thank you!!

  5. Tried to post to your support as a ticket but got a error saying “The ticket couldn’t be submitted for an unknown reason.”

    So i will post here.

    Awesome theme but i wanted to address a few things, and see if you could help us rectify some last minute bugs before going live this week.

    1 On our site, http://rd.hauls.com in Safari and most browsers, when on the cart page if you try and increase the Quantity of the product, the update cart button is greyed out. If i hit the enter button it will update the cart, but i can’t expect someone to know that. Is there a fix for this?

    2 During the stripe payment processing, the logo in the circle of the popup windows is showing the entire logo from the wordpress end. Is it possible to take that out? or replace it with another logo that fits better? see: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ozwd3fp7kkwrrzd/stripe-ss.png?dl=0

    3 On the My Account “Order page, can we change the “Download Invoice (PDF)” to “Download Receipt (PDF)”

    4 When we select the quick look on any product Click the Heart icon (The product will be added to the wishlist) Click the Heart icon again Observed: The Wishlist still contains the product and the heart is still red instead of black.

    Any help on these would be appreciated, thanks! -Ron

  6. 1 On our site, http://rd.hauls.com in Safari and most browsers, when on the cart page if you try and increase the Quantity of the product, the update cart button is greyed out. If i hit the enter button it will update the cart, but i can\\\’t expect someone to know that. Is there a fix for this?

    2 During the stripe payment processing the logo in the circle of the popup windows is showing the entire logo from the wordpress end. Is it possible to take that out? or replace it with another logo that fits better?

    see: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ozwd3fp7kkwrrzd/stripe-ss.png?dl=0

    3 On the My Account “Order page, can we change the “Download Invoice (PDF” to “Download Receipt (PDF”

    4 When we select the quick look on any product Click the Heart icon (The product will be added to the wishlist) Click the Heart icon again Observed: The Wishlist still contains the product and the heart is still red instead of black. Any help on these would be appreciated, thanks!

  7. During the stripe payment processing the logo in the circle of the popup windows is showing the entire logo from the wordpress end. Is it possible to take that out? or replace it with another logo that fits better?

  8. On our site, http://rd.hauls.com in Safari and most browsers, when on the cart page if you try and increase the Quantity of the product, the update cart button is greyed out. If i hit the enter button it will update the cart, but i can’t expect someone to know that. Is there a fix for this?

  9. On the My Account “Order page, can we change the”Download Invoice (PDF)” to”Download Receipt (PDF)”

  10. When we select the quick look on any product Click the Heart icon (The product will be added to the wishlist) Click the Heart icon again Observed: The Wishlist still contains the product and the heart is still red instead of black.

  11. Hi Ron

    Apologies for the late answer. We were having trouble with the support in the past 2 weeks, but now we are ready to help you.

    The logo from the first screen seems to be part from another plugin. You can probably fix this with some custom css code.

    The update button appears inactive, this is part of the woocommerce functionality. You need to change the quantity in order to make it active.

    Yes, you can translate all the strings from WooCommerce to anything you want. Or you can find the string in the file directory /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/ and change it manually.

    I am not sure if I understand the issue with the wishlist, but the icon “wishlist” is different from the “cart” icon.

    Please let me know if you have nay other questions.


  12. The wishlist icon does not turn from solid red back to outlined, when you remove the product from the wishlist itself.

    Also i am getting a bunch of updates needed to the theme for the new woocommerce.

    See: https://www.dropbox.com/s/94zoo9v1weqs3bj/updates.png?dl=0

  13. I still don’t understand the issue with the wishlist icon, please send a screenshot. Is this happening with the demo too?

    We will update the woocommerce templates asap.

  14. Is there a way to make the “Homepage Default” full screen? I would like the slider to be the full width of the screen.

    Thank you

  15. Want I am trying to do is use the Menu and logo from the default header on the Full-screen slider.

  16. Hi

    Apologies for the late answer. We were having trouble with the support in the past 2 weeks, but now we are ready to help you.

    Sure, just change the page layout to full-width, just navigate to Page – Settings > Custom Header Layout, and select the header version 2.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.


  17. Can’t seem to change the shop design layout. I found where to change from the default layout to one of the 9 others. When I change and update the page settings it doesn’t have any effect. Any advice?

  18. Never mind just delete the page and recreated another with a name other than “shop”.

  19. please help. i can’t create a variable product. the custom productpage does not work. when i install a different theme is works well?!?

  20. Hi

    I am not sure what could be the cause of this problem.

    Please open a new ticket in our support system and send us admin access using a private reply to have a better look.

    Kind regards


  21. Just updated to the latest version of the site and it changed all the product names (on the site) to the same bigger font used on the rest of the site? Why is that and how do I put it back? https://shotr.io/aGuLONkPaG (Screenshot of the text)

  22. Hi

    I am not sure what could be the cause of this problem.

    Please open a new ticket in our support system and send us admin access using a private reply to have a better look.


    Kind regards


  23. Another thing. After updating the theme and the newest version of WooCommerce the variation options while making a product do not work. Woocommerce claims that this is most likely a theme compatibility issue and this is now affecting my stores sales. Please read. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/variation-problem-4/

  24. The big text error comes from the update for Woocommerce. They say you need to make your theme compatible with their new version. I performed a roll back and everything looks as usual.

  25. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/3-0-error-option-ajax-is-not-allowed-for-select2/

  26. Hi

    sorry for the late answer.

    Please update the theme to the latest version and let me know if this helped.

    Kind regards

  27. Still getting large text after updating everything. This seems to be the only issue still. Everything else works fine. https://shotr.io/rufMEz

  28. Could you please send the url of the page so I could inspect this by the browser?


  29. Heres the link.


  30. I am not sure what is overriding the titlr styles, but you can reduce the fonts size by going to Theme Options > Style > Custom CSS, and add this code:

    .woocommerce-loop-product__title {
    font-size: 19px;
    display: block;
    line-height: 30px;
    margin: 10px 0;

  31. Hello, how do I secure SSL the google fonts? I get the following when checking for why no padlock:

    Insecure URL: http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:300,400

    Found in: https://mydomain.com/wp-content/plugins/peenapo-page-builder/assets/css/bwpb-front.css?ver=4.7.4

    I get this with all the google fonts. How do I secure the google font with https? Thank you.

  32. Hi

    Sorry for the late answer.

    Please install this plugin and it should fix this issue: https://wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-ssl/

  33. Hello,

    I have this warning in m dashboard:

    “Your theme (Midnight) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. You can see which files are affected from the system status page. If in doubt, check with the author of the theme.”

    I don’t know how this affects my page or what do I need to do with it because I also have this message:

    “WooCommerce data update – We need to update your store’s database to the latest version.”

    Any ideas?

  34. Hi xavi_barelles

    Sorry for the late answer.

    I just update the theme with the latest woocommerce templates. You will get notified by email once Envato approve the update.

    You can also update your database by clicking the button.

    Kind regards

  35. Hello there,

    I have problem with the products name fonts. They are so big than it looks on the sample and I couldn’t fix it…! What is the solution for this? Asap pls.


  36. Also There is a problem with adding size at ’’Attributes’’ section. When I add the sizes and I click Save attributes it’s keep showing loading icon and nothing happens. That is so annoying when I have something urgent :/

  37. Hi

    Sorry for the late answer

    You can change the sizes of the fonts by using custom css code. You can insert it by going to Theme Options > Styles.

    For the attributes issue, please try to deactivate any 3rd party plugins and try again, could be a compatibility issue or a conflict with 3rd party plugin.

    Kind regards

  38. Has there been an update that I have not been sent. My site now won’t load onto my new site !

  39. seems that the theme has been updated and iv not been sent updates.

  40. Hi

    Sorry for the late answer, I was not able to answer.

    Are you still having troubles with the theme? Did you tried to update the theme manually?

    Kind regards

  41. Theme update news??? Woocommerce 3.x -> 04-04-2017 Two months ago…

  42. I paid the extension of support a few months ago, I have requested that I solve the issues before my support expires and I do not receive a response

  43. Hi

    So sorry for the late answer, I was not able to answer.

    I just updated the theme with the latest woocommerce template. Envato should approve the update in the next few hours.

    Kind regards

  44. The ticket was answered. Did it helped by removing the templates?

  45. I just wan to understand how an item without support can be accepted at envato? The theme files are outdated and there is new version Woocommerce out there and the theme files require to be updated. So this theme is useless without a new update. Why is it being sold here?

    Support does not exist, Envato doesn’t give a duck and I can’t get a refund?

    Even if I get a refund, how about my 20 days of full time working on it for the client? I have to get screwed because you simply say you don’t provide support for this item?


  46. Hi artaweb

    So sorry for the late answer, I was not able to answer.

    I can’t find any support ticket from your user in ticksy. Please let me know if there is something I can do to help you with the theme.

    Kind regards

  47. I just updated the theme with the latest woocommerce template. Envato should approve the update in the next few hours.

  48. Finally. There is a problem with Variable products. When I click on attributes the loading icon keeps loading. this is one exact case i found on internet. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/select2-js-error-after-updating-to-woocommerce-3-0/

    up there user djsavash also have the same problem. https://ibb.co/jvWTTF

    I have received the update notification from Envato, made the updates, but it didn’t fix the issue.

  49. Also, google fonts are loading over http. Our website has SSL and this is interrupting the secure connection. Please guide me where can I find these links to change them to SSL.

    By the way, about ticksy, there is no link in theme support where I can go to. It says the author does not provide support for this item.

  50. Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/fxyznt

  51. I am checking this and will let you now in the new few minutes.

  52. Thank you. Also check this:

    [20-Jul-2017 08:38:21 UTC] The The “add_to_cart_fragments” hook uses out of date data structures and function is deprecated since version 3.1.1. Replace with woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments.

    I am getting this error in my error log file every 3 seconds.

  53. Thank you for the screenshots.

    I just updated the theme to version 2.1 and it should resolve all the issues mentioned.

    Please let me know if you have any other troubles.

    Kind regards

  54. This is comforting now. Only one last thing. The Google Fonts are still loading over HTTP. How can I change that to https so it won’t interrupt our SSL?

  55. Please try installing this plugin and let me know if this worked: https://wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-ssl/

  56. Should I cancel your refund request?

  57. Yes, go ahead and cancel the refund request. People are happy as long as they get what they are entitled to. Thanks for the plugin, seems its working fine after clearing the cache properly

  58. I am sorry again for the long delay. I will be here if you need me again

  59. Thank you. It’s okay, Shit happens. I will write you a positive review. If you ever plan to disappear again, state your absence on your product page. Then you can blame the customer for not reading.


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