Aleb - Event Conference Onepage WordPress Theme

Themeforest Aleb - Event Conference Onepage WordPress Theme WordPress Theme

Download Aleb - Event Conference Onepage WordPress Theme WordPress Theme

Download Aleb - Event Conference Onepage WordPress Theme WordPress Theme

Aleb is very simple to build your own stylish with our theme. Thanks to the power of visual composer plugin, you can create any layout that you desire, edit content with easy, control and manage each element no coding knowledge. Moreover, the help of unlimited colors, your site will stand out from the crowd.

When each potential attendee visits your site, they will find out the schedule of events, speakers’ profile, event countdown, gallery, testimonials and register form. This information will help customers to explain why they should come and listen to your events

If you need an elegant and professional website to promote your events, Aleb should be your leading selections.


26 Apr 2017: Version 1.1
- Update Visual Composer Plugin
- Update VC Row template

29 Mar 2017: Version 1.0.9
- Update Visual Composer Plugin

27 Dec 2016: Version 1.0.8
- Update Visual Composer to veresion 5.0.1
- Update Child Theme
- Fix slideshow background center in mobile

03 Nov 2016: Version 1.0.7
- Update favicon in customize

08 Sep 2016: Version 1.0.6
- Add email template when register successfully
- Compatible wpml plugin
- Update Visual Composer Plugin to version 4.12.1

29 Jun 2016: version 1.0.5
- Fix google new api
- Update visual composer to version 4.12

14 April 2016
- Fix js in version wordpress 4.5
- Update visual composer to version 4.11.2

26 February 16
- Fix bug error install plugin
- Update visual composer to version 4.10

- Free Visual Composer $34
- Free Cube Portfolio $17
- Support Register Free Form
- Support Register Paypal Form
- Support pay via Eventbrite
- Support Countdown event
- Allow add extra fields in register form
- Edit email template when register successfully
- Manage registration in admin
- Export registration (single or multi fields): email, ticket, price…. to CSV file
- Include demo content
- Support Multi Page
- Full Shortcode
- Wide & Boxed Layout
- Support layout: Left sidebar, Right sidebar, No sidebar
- Unlimited Color
- Compatible WooCommerce plugin
- Compatible WPML plugin
- .po, .mo files ready
- Support Google Font
- Support contact form 7
- Support mail chimp
- Documentation step by step

Download Aleb - Event Conference Onepage WordPress Theme WordPress Theme


  1. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ’;’ in /home/valueadd/public_html/wp-content/themes/aleb/extend/add_js_css.php on line 6

    There is a parenthesis problem.

  2. Hi, Sorry for this. We will update today.

  3. Hi, I updated the new version, you can download and update file
    wp-content/themes/aleb/extend/add_js_css.php Thank you!

  4. Hey guys. Great theme. Love it. Installed it myself, followed instruction for Demo setup but for some reason the countdown is not showing. Something off with the menu / top bar. Anyway to help me please?

  5. Hi, Please surely you inserted date in countdown setting.

  6. Yes. Got the countdown going. Could you please go to the website to see what I mean? An issue with the top bar.

  7. Hi, You can make padding, margin in Row setting. Thank you!

  8. Cool. Thanks for all the help. Just really trying to get it to look like the Eventbrite option. Anyway I can get a bit more help on that?

  9. Hi, You can use Full Height slideshow Also you can use Home 3 that imported in demo data.

  10. Working! Thank you so much for the help. How do I get the coordinates for the google map?

  11. Hi, Please go to then search address, you will see coordinates at url taskbar.
    For example,-74.0128337,17z
    40.7047273,-74.0128337 is coordinates.

    Thank you!

  12. thank you so much! Loving the theme. got it mostly figured out

  13. Hello, slider does not slide. In the settings of the Slider, we set Autoslide to true. But he does not move.

  14. Hi, Please surely you inserted count in slider setting. Currently it is working in our demo.

  15. Hi, I just bought the theme. I have something need to concern:-
    1) How to hide the section from home page? I can’t find the any hide function from editor.
    2) How do I add on the popout function using modal bootstrap for the speaker section?

    Your help is appreciate. Thanks

  16. Hi, cont for Q3) in the schedule section, in the content have 2 column if only 1 column in a raw, where do i need to do the setup? 4) in the speaker section, i would like to change the pattern. please refer to this is 5) The content for the schedule section, i can’t do in more than 1 paragraph. Please help. thanks.

  17. Hi,
    1: We will check this problem soon
    2: Currently the theme doesn’t support this. If you want to display popup, you have to customize speaker shortcode
    3: You can use visual composer to make layout: step 1: config vc: .
    step 2: make layout:
    4: You have to customize speaker shortcode
    5: You can make in Visual Composer
    Thank you!

  18. HI, i got the Q1 answer, i already disable row but still appear in my home page view. Just would like to let you know, i am doing in localhost not upload the FTP yet. Please advice. Thank you

  19. Thank you. May I know 1) how to customize shortcode for the speaker? 2) for the schedule section, i work on your instruction but it doesn’t work to me, still in 2 column and the content couldn’t display, please refer to this img thanks.

  20. I am sorry, accidentally remove the social media code from the VC content. May i know what is to call that out when the mouseover and linkedin icon display. Thank you

  21. Hi,
    Disable Row: Please download again theme and update it. I fixed the problem in latest theme version
    1: You can find shortcode in wp-content/plugins/ovaevents/shortcode/shortcode.php and find code
    function events_speakers($atts, $content = null) {......}
    2: Schedule: Please surely you inserted excerpt in schedule Thanks

  22. Hi, Thank you for the information. Just not very understand for the point 2. Are you meaning that the information need to paste in the excerpt column? Not in the VC column? I would like to make my schedule layout become 1 column if the row without img ( and the information in break line for the each paragraph instead of inline. Please help. thanks

  23. One thing, what is the purpose for the aleb-child? I failed install it.

  24. Please surely you have installed parent theme aleb before install child theme.

  25. I did install the parents theme. The parents theme called, right?

  26. Yes. It is . You can send your wordpress admin account to my email: I will check help you. Thanks

  27. Currently i work in the localhost. I would like to let you know the background opacity got some problem i don’t want my background to be opacity and i choose the 1 instead but when i saved, it doesn’t work. Auto save to 0.1. Please check. Thanks.

  28. May i know have any way to solve this problem that i asked before? Thanks

  29. I am sorry, can i add link for sponsor logo?

  30. Hi, Background opacity: It is working for me. Please surely you choosed background parallax and choose opacity.
    Schedule: You can’t make 2 columns in exceprt. You only can make in content.
    Link for sponsor logo: Not it can’t.
    Thank you!

  31. I am sorry, can’t understand in this “Schedule: You can’t make 2 columns in exceprt. You only can make in content. ” i didn’t request to make into 2 columns. I just asked that if the left side have no the img, can i only show 1 row instead? Q2, i would like to make into paragraph but it couldn’t, still show in 1 paragragh. please refer to this screenshot I have follow the instruction that you tough me before.

  32. Hi,
    not image : You have to customize code for this.
    Paragraph: You can’t make paragraph because the wordpress remove all html tag in exceprt.Thanks

  33. Thank you, Ovatheme. Are you able to give the customize code? For the paragraph, really don’t have any solution? Your help is appreciate. Thank you

  34. HI Ovatheme, understand in exceprt is remove all tag. however, i change it to the_content(), it doesn’t show the paragraph. May I know where should i change? Q2: The slideshow cannot slide, even i set it as auto. It is i am work in the localhost not in the server? please advice. Thank you

  35. Hi Hendrachong,
    1: You can change in wp-content/plugins/ovaevents/shortcode/shortcode.php and find function events_schedule($atts, $content = null) { ....} to edit.
    2: Slideshow: Please surely you choose “duration” and “Auto slider” fields in slideshow config. Thanks

  36. Thank you Ovatheme. for the Q1 i did change to the_content instead of get_the_excerpt but it doesn’t work into paragraph. Q2: for the responsive, i would like to make the column in 3 or 4 instead of 1 column. for example speaker img and logo. Once again, thank you

  37. Hi, 1: You can use get_the_content();
    2: You can customize code Thank you!

  38. Hi Q1: I did use but it doesn’t work

  39. May I know all the customize code in shortcode.php?

  40. Hi, Q1: Please surely you placed code exactly. Sorry I can’ explain all functions in shortcode help you. Thanks

  41. HI Ovatheme, I have placed the code exactly but still doesn’t show in paragraph. I really need help to this part. Thank you very much

  42. Hi, You have to replace 2 locations: . Thanks

  43. HI Ovatheme, yes i did it doesn’t work. you can try that. I really have no idea what’s wrong with that.

  44. Hi, Please try with bellow code

    do_shortcode( get_the_content() )

    I checked in my local and it works. Thanks

  45. It’s work.. Thank you Ovatheme


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